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This is a digital download document/video that will be emailed to you upon purchase. It will contain our QB COACHING GUIDE. Coach Grant goes in depth on his QB training philosophy, how he trains his QBs, some of the common mistakes QBs make (film examples), comparisons to professional QBs(film examples) & the drills he uses to fix those bad habits with his own QBs(film examples). If you are looking to become a better QB coach this digital download is for you! It is just under a full hour of content that you will have lifetime access to upon purchasing.


Coach Grant Caraway, the founder of First Down Training, works with thousands of QBs across the country every year and his bio mechanics philosophy has changed the game of many QBs across the nation. It has increased arm strength, accuracy & overall efficiency while decreasing the pain many QBs experience in their arm. He is excited to share his knowledge with you and improve your own coaching philosophy. Thank you for your consideration and I hope this can bring you some value! 

Ultimate QB Coaching Guide

$70.00 Regular Price
$50.00Sale Price
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