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We are excited to announce we will now be offering custom workout plans for QBs & WRs. Upon purchase you will be sent a digital download document with access to a private email address. You will receive instructions on film that you can submit to Coach Grant Caraway and his staff. When Coach Grant receives your film, he will provide you with feedback on areas you need to improve on and give you a custom 8 week field workout plan/gym workout plan to improve in those specific areas. 


Each field exercise will have the exact sets/reps to follow, days of the week to do each exercise & video examples of each drill so you will not be confused. Thank you for your consideration in our service and I hope this can bring you some value! 


Key Features:


  • Film Submission To Coach Grant 


  • Feedback On Your Film/ Areas To Improve On


  • 8 Week Custom Field Workout Plan (exact sets/reps to do & video examples of drills)


  • 8 Week Gym Routine (exact sets/reps & picture examples)


  • 24-7 Access To Coach Grant If You Have Questions On Drills & How To Perform Them 

Custom QB/WR Workout Plans

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