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Skinny Football Players Need To Read This…

Grant Caraway

If you are a skinny football player there are two things that you can do to help you gain some weight this off season. I hope this can help!

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1)- Track calories. It is extremely easy to track the calories that you are consuming on a daily basis. You just simply look at the back of whatever food you are eating and see how many calories an item has. Now to gain weight you need to stay in a calorie surplus- AKA consuming more calories than you burn. Now, tracking the calories that you burn is the hard part. I shouldn’t say hard, but it requires an investment. If you search up on google “calorie burning tracker” you will see all kinds of items ranging from $60-$100+ that you can wear while you workout to track your calories that you burn. I highly highly recommend this. Because if you know how much you are burning, then you know how much you should be eating. It’s honestly a simple concept but a lot of people don’t make the commitment to tracking this kind of thing, or they make the commitment… then they get busy and forget and then 1 day off leads to 50 days off. This can’t happen if you truly need to gain weight.

2)- Second thing you can do is consume 1G of protein per pound of body weight that you want to get to. This is what worked best for me, but when I was 160lbs as a sophomore in high school, I wanted to get to 180lbs so I would consume 180G of protein per day. Protein essentially repairs the micro tears in your body from lifting weights. It can speed up your recovery process AKA help you pack on more muscle. So the 180G helped me a lot. Now if you are 130lbs and you start consuming 200G of protein per day… that’s not the best idea. It’s not going to work like that. Your body can only absorb so much protein, so you need to work yourself along. I suggest starting with consuming 10G over your current body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs consume 160G. Now that may seem like a lot to you guys, but it’s very very possible if you take some kind of protein powder supplement. Here is one below that you can take daily and it is very very easy on your stomach ⬇️⬇️


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dale sessions
dale sessions
Dec 14, 2023


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