For WRs when training their upper body it’s not about lifting like a bodybuilder and doing curls etc. it’s about activating your fast twitch fibers. So exercises that will help with your explosiveness and grip strength will be heavily emphasized in this workout.
Split 1
Push Jerk
5x8 reps (focus on explosion)
Superset with
Plyo Push Ups Or Clap Push Ups
5x8 reps
Split 2
Pause Barbell Bench Press (pause with the bar on your chest for 2-3 seconds- explode up quickly)
5x6 reps
Split 3
Reverse Forearm Curls
5x8-10 reps
Superset with
Farmers Carry
Superset with
Plate Flips (1-handed for grip)
5x8 each hand
If you guys would like a FULL 2 MONTH WR workout schedule with daily workouts for speed, explosiveness, leg strength, power, balance and overall strength checkout the link below! ⬇️⬇️
