Working Sets
5 sets of 3 Pause Squats (should be a heavier weight; over emphasize exploding up from the bottom of the squat)
(45 seconds rest in between sets)
5 sets of 5 each side Barbell Split Squats
(45 seconds rest in between sets)
5 sets of 8 each leg Jumping Lunges With Weight (should be a lighter weight that you can easily hold; emphasizing jumping as explosive as possible)
(45 seconds rest in between sets)
WE ARE TRAVELING TO 4 STATES THIS OFF SEASON FOR QB/WR CAMPS! We are coming to Dallas TX, Nashville TN, SALT LAKE CITY UTAH & Los Angeles CA! If you guys are local to those 4 cities we would love to have you out! Spots are limited to only 10-12 per position group! 8-Hours of training total with myself and my staff! Sign up below ⬇️⬇️
Explosive Movements Superset
Warm up with power cleans 2 sets with a weight you can do 10 times
1 set with a weight you can do 8 times 1 set with a weight you can do 5 times
Working Sets
5 sets of 3 Hang cleans (1 minute rest in between sets)
Superset with 5 sets of 10 Thrusters
- A superset is when you perform more than 1 exercise back to back
AB Circuit
Working Supersets
3 sets: Medicine Ball Russian Twists 30 reps each side
Medicine Ball Squat Throws 20 reps
Kneeling Med ball lateral throws 15 reps each side
(30 seconds rest in between each set)
