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Grant Caraway

Below we will be discussing the best diet for football players. This is a common question that we get asked and I hope this can help you!

Also, if you are a WR and would like a complete off season training guide, checkout the link below! You will get access to an 8 week on field training guide (route, release & catching drills), an 8 week gym workout plan for WR, a 4 week speed workout plan for WRs & a full guide on how a WRs can get a scholarship offer. Check it out below ⬇️⬇️

So the main goal as a football player is to be as heavy as possible but still remain as athletic as possible. We want to gain healthy muscle and healthy weight. And a lot of that comes from the calories we consume on a daily basis. These are some tips that helped me gain 20lbs of muscle transitioning from my junior year of high school to my senior year of high school. And some things I picked up in college that helped me a lot with general performance.

1)- To gain weight you need to be in a calorie surplus. So consuming more calories than you burn. If you want to lose weight, you want to be in a calorie deficit- burning more than you consume. As athletes we are burning a ton of calories, so we need to be constantly eating. That was my biggest problem as a young player, I didn’t prioritize my meals. So you want to consume high calorie snacks, meals and try to eat at a minimum 3-5 meals per day.

2)- Now, I don’t think anybody wants to dirty bulk. AKA consuming as many calories as you can and not caring where it comes from. It could be McDonald’s, ice cream etc. And all of that is great, but it’s not necessarily the best food to put in your body. The best thing that I did for performance was only shop the outside isles of the grocery store. I never went down the center isles. The center isles are were all of the cereals, processed foods, packaged foods etc. are. You want to avoid those. Those have tons of chemicals and are made with so many processed ingredients/flavorings. That can’t be good for you. And it is not good for your performance. Shop the outside isles. Fresh produce, eggs, meats, etc. SINGLE INGREDIENT FOODS. Those single ingredient foods and natural and that’s the best fuel for your body. It can provide you with enough calories and it doesn’t contain ingredients like folic acid that your body physically can’t break down. That’s why you feel so bad after eating a box of cookies or something processed. It contains unnatural processed ingredients that our body’s were not meant to convert into fuel. So the calories from that food simply do nothing. They just make you have low energy and poor performance/focus. So what are some higher calorie foods that are good food?

- Meat




-Potatoes (preferably sweet potatoes)

-Whole Grains


Just to name a few. These foods can help you maintain a calorie surplus but also give you the best type of fuel to attack your field workouts, gym workouts and any other type of practice so you can get the most out of those. Your body can actually absorb the protein and carbohydrates in those foods to use for your recovery or your workouts. The goal is to gain weight, but do it the right way so it can be sustainable.

Also, in 2024 we are coming out to 9 more cities for QB/WR skill camps! We will be coming to Dallas TX(SOLD OUT) Nashville TN(SOLD OUT) Chicago IL(SOLD OUT) Buffalo NY, Atlanta GA, Houston TX (SOLD OUT) Philadelphia PA(SOLD OUT), Detroit MI, Boise ID & Los Angeles CA! Checkout the link below to sign up ⬇️⬇️



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