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Average Height For D1 Players Based On Position

So we get a lot of messages about this topic. Coach I’m “xyz height” “xyz weight”- “can I play xyz position” etc. So we wanted to write an article about this to inform you on what a lot of college coaches look for height wise based on position. Now does height matter? Eh- yes and no. Is there an “eye test” in college football? Absolutely. So your height can definitely help you stand out, but at the end of the day the skills pay the bills. I write this to inform you, not to discourage you. If you’re not hitting the “average” height requirements, that just means you need to work harder on your skills, technique, knowledge of the game and your speed. 

QBs- 6’1+ (QBs are generally taller, if you’re not 6’1 & above- I recommend working heavily on being a dual threat) 

WRs/DBs- 5’10-6’2+ (for receivers you can be shorter because you have slot WRs) (if you’re undersized you must have speed and quickness)

RB- 5’10 (if undersized you need to have some weight on you and have speed) 

LB- 6’2+

O-Line- Guards: 6’2 & Tackles: 6’4

D-Line- NG: 6’1 & D-End: 6’3

TE- 6’3+

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