Improve Your Speed In 10 Days
This is a digital download product, upon purchase a link will be sent to the email you provided with a 40 minute long video on how you can get faster in ONLY 10 days. We give you a specific 10 day step by step process to improve your speed. We talk about the specific running mechanics that tie into speed, a dynamic warm up to help your hip mobility, knee drive, explosiveness, stride length and overall flexibility. Also we talk about a daily stretch routine you can do which ties directly into speed development. If you are tense and have tight muscles you will not be able to increase your speed. Lastly, we give you specific on the field drills for your upper body and lower body running mechanics/explosiveness, on field workouts for speed, in the gym workouts for speed and the exact technique to improve your 40yd dash! Thank you for your consideration and I hope you enjoy this product.